[WBEL-devel] Error with Anaconda.Please help.
Nguyen Huu Vinh
2004-04-15 16:39:37 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi all,
I have downloaded the SRPM files of RedHat Enterprise Linux 3AS.I use
Whitebox Enterprise Linux 3.0 as build host.Final, I have successfull rebuild
RedHat Enterprise Linux 3AS.I create 7 iso files (include 4 binary iso files and 3
source iso files).I burn the first iso file on the CD-ROM.Then i boot my system by this CD-ROM.

First, the Anaconda installer works well.When i goto the "Set Root Password" screen
I enter the password of Root and click "Next" button.Then I recieve 1 message
error.The content of this error is "You are trying to install on a machine which isn't
support by this release of HungVuong Linux".The name of my own distribution is "HungVuong Linux".

What's happen?How can I debug this error?Please help me.Thanks.

Nguyen Huu Vinh

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Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

<DIV>Hi all,<BR>I have downloaded the SRPM files of RedHat Enterprise Linux 3AS.I use<BR>Whitebox Enterprise Linux 3.0 as build host.Final, I have successfull rebuild <BR>RedHat Enterprise Linux 3AS.I create 7 iso files (include 4 binary iso files and 3<BR>source iso files).I burn the first iso file on the CD-ROM.Then i boot my system by this CD-ROM.</DIV>
<DIV>First, the Anaconda installer works well.When i goto the "Set Root Password" screen<BR>I enter the password of Root and click "Next" button.Then I recieve 1 message <BR>error.The content of this error is "You are trying to install on a machine which isn't<BR>support by this release of HungVuong Linux".The name of my own distribution is "HungVuong Linux".</DIV>
<DIV>What's happen?How can I debug this error?Please help me.Thanks.</DIV>
<DIV>Nguyen Huu Vinh&nbsp;</DIV><p>
<hr size=1><font face=arial size=-1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
Yahoo! Tax Center - <a href="http://taxes.yahoo.com/filing.html">File online by April 15th</a>
Nguyen Huu Vinh
2004-04-15 16:40:40 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi all,
I have downloaded the SRPM files of RedHat Enterprise Linux 3AS.I use
Whitebox Enterprise Linux 3.0 as build host.Final, I have successfull rebuild
RedHat Enterprise Linux 3AS.I create 7 iso files (include 4 binary iso files and 3
source iso files).I burn the first iso file on the CD-ROM.Then i boot my system by this CD-ROM.

First, the Anaconda installer works well.When i goto the "Set Root Password" screen
I enter the password of Root and click "Next" button.Then I recieve 1 message
error.The content of this error is "You are trying to install on a machine which isn't
support by this release of HungVuong Linux".The name of my own distribution is "HungVuong Linux".

What's happen?How can I debug this error?Please help me.Thanks.

Nguyen Huu Vinh

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

<DIV>Hi all,<BR>I have downloaded the SRPM files of RedHat Enterprise Linux 3AS.I use<BR>Whitebox Enterprise Linux 3.0 as build host.Final, I have successfull rebuild <BR>RedHat Enterprise Linux 3AS.I create 7 iso files (include 4 binary iso files and 3<BR>source iso files).I burn the first iso file on the CD-ROM.Then i boot my system by this CD-ROM.</DIV>
<DIV>First, the Anaconda installer works well.When i goto the "Set Root Password" screen<BR>I enter the password of Root and click "Next" button.Then I recieve 1 message <BR>error.The content of this error is "You are trying to install on a machine which isn't<BR>support by this release of HungVuong Linux".The name of my own distribution is "HungVuong Linux".</DIV>
<DIV>What's happen?How can I debug this error?Please help me.Thanks.</DIV>
<DIV>Nguyen Huu Vinh&nbsp;</DIV><p>
<hr size=1><font face=arial size=-1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
Yahoo! Tax Center - <a href="http://taxes.yahoo.com/filing.html">File online by April 15th</a>
