[WBEL-devel] Re: [WBEL-users] Mirrors out of sync
Milan Keršláger
2004-05-20 07:24:59 UTC
2. What's up with the mirror latency? As of this writing
2004-05-19 13:19 CST, neither of these mirrors have updates that are
on the WhiteBox site.
An rsync from ncsu has been in progress going on two days now. But
between about a gig and a half of files to move and a boatload of folks
running up2date directly against whiteboxlinux.org (failure to edit
/etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources) things are lagged to heck and gone.
As I told you, there is something wrong on your side because all of your
mirrors are still out of sync (after 4 days).

NCSU has only 5 or so SRPMS and the same situation is on other sites.

Check your rsync server please and allow mirrors to get all new files.
Milan Kerslager
E-mail: ***@pslib.cz
WWW: http://www.pslib.cz/~kerslage/