Milan Keršláger
2004-05-20 08:06:34 UTC
as there are troubles with WBEL mirrors and with release delays, I
suggest to update all needed components by hand. This mean download from already released updates:
kernel, ipsec-tools and initscripts (ipsec-tools needs latest version)
Always there are security updates for cvs, kdelibs, rsync, libpng and
libpng10. All of these are not yet at official WBEL site.
As I need latest updates I (as usually) build my own set. You may
download them from (the second is mirror so you may wait some time to
sync with master site):
I'm a little bit unsatisfied with persistent troubles with WBEL. So I
want to point you to CentOS because this community project are able to
cooperate and is not depended on one owerworked person (even has been
slower before final release). All updates are ready a short time after
release (with priority for security updates). Because binary (and
source) compatibilty, this seems to be easy to switch.
If you are wondering why I'm talkin about this here - there is an
answer: I want to WBEL be better and I want to point about cooperation
strength and I want to Morris think about this (ie about its own
And no - I want to steal nothing.
as there are troubles with WBEL mirrors and with release delays, I
suggest to update all needed components by hand. This mean download from already released updates:
kernel, ipsec-tools and initscripts (ipsec-tools needs latest version)
Always there are security updates for cvs, kdelibs, rsync, libpng and
libpng10. All of these are not yet at official WBEL site.
As I need latest updates I (as usually) build my own set. You may
download them from (the second is mirror so you may wait some time to
sync with master site):
I'm a little bit unsatisfied with persistent troubles with WBEL. So I
want to point you to CentOS because this community project are able to
cooperate and is not depended on one owerworked person (even has been
slower before final release). All updates are ready a short time after
release (with priority for security updates). Because binary (and
source) compatibilty, this seems to be easy to switch.
If you are wondering why I'm talkin about this here - there is an
answer: I want to WBEL be better and I want to point about cooperation
strength and I want to Morris think about this (ie about its own
And no - I want to steal nothing.
Milan Kerslager
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Milan Kerslager
E-mail: ***