[WBEL-devel] Mirrors are still out of sync
Milan Keršláger
2004-06-03 10:47:22 UTC

I have seen updates on http://whiteboxlinux.org/pub/3.0/en/updates/
before this directory gets closed (Jun 1 2004):

rpm 4.2.2-0.14.WB1.i386
elfutils-libelf 0.94-1.i386
rpm-python 4.2.2-0.14.WB1.i386
elfutils 0.94-1.i386
nfs-utils 1.0.6-21EL.i386
popt 1.8.2-0.14.WB1.i386
sendmail 8.12.11-3.3.i386
sendmail-cf 8.12.11-3.3.i386

But there are no updates on mirrors yet. There are strange dates on
directories too (21.5.2003 or so) even there are files from this year

This seems that there is something broken again on master site what
prevents propagation of updates to mirrors (time?).

I don't know how to tell better that there is really something broken.
Milan Kerslager
E-mail: ***@pslib.cz
WWW: http://www.pslib.cz/~kerslage/
Roger Peña Escobio
2004-06-03 13:15:42 UTC
Post by Milan Keršláger
I have seen updates on http://whiteboxlinux.org/pub/3.0/en/updates/

does any body know how to download from the original site?
Post by Milan Keršláger
rpm 4.2.2-0.14.WB1.i386
elfutils-libelf 0.94-1.i386
rpm-python 4.2.2-0.14.WB1.i386
elfutils 0.94-1.i386
nfs-utils 1.0.6-21EL.i386
popt 1.8.2-0.14.WB1.i386
sendmail 8.12.11-3.3.i386
sendmail-cf 8.12.11-3.3.i386
i just check the ncsu mirror and those rpm aren't there :-(
any body know if there is any mirror with the updates?

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Phil Schaffner
2004-06-03 14:56:42 UTC
Post by Roger Peña Escobio
Post by Milan Keršláger
I have seen updates on http://whiteboxlinux.org/pub/3.0/en/updates/
does any body know how to download from the original site?
Can't unless you're a mirror. From whitebox-users
Post by Roger Peña Escobio
Post by Milan Keršláger
Gathering header information file(s) from server(s)
Server: White Box Enterprise Linux 3.0 - i386 - Base
Please check the archives. Access to the updates at whiteboxlinux.org has
been restricted to the mirrors.
Post by Milan Keršláger
I have a http://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/os/i386
entry to my yum.conf file; it's currently commented out. If I uncomment
from the [base] and [updates-released] entries, will it first try the
whitebox site for updates and then switch over to the mirror if theres a
You need to comment out the whiteboxlinux.org entries, they will not work.
