[WBEL-devel] Availability of Whitebox Linux on 64bit processors
Gary Mansell
2004-03-31 15:22:37 UTC
Dear all,

I see that there is a rc1 release of Whitebox x86_64 - I am dowmloading
it to try it as we speak.

What is the future of it going forward:

When will the final release be available?
When will the updates be available?
Will the updates be as timely as the 32bit release?
Will it be hosted alongside the other releases.

Also, what about IA_64 version ?

Thanks in advance

Gary Mansell
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Milan Keršláger
2004-03-31 19:32:15 UTC
Post by Gary Mansell
Dear all,
I see that there is a rc1 release of Whitebox x86_64 - I am dowmloading
it to try it as we speak.
When will the final release be available?
When will the updates be available?
Will the updates be as timely as the 32bit release?
Will it be hosted alongside the other releases.
Also, what about IA_64 version ?
Pasi Pirhonen (the author) moved to Tao Linux because nobody at beau.org
cared about his work. He made IA64 port too (and s390 too), see the
primary site of RC1:


Because of binary compatibility I suggest to use Tao with final
versions of AMD64, IA64 and S390 from Pasi at:


Anyway I have own (yum) repository with AMD64 (x86_64) updates for WhiteBox:


And yes - this is wery sad that the effort like this has been trown
away by people at beau.org. It's useless and disillusion.
Milan Kerslager
E-mail: ***@pslib.cz
WWW: http://www.pslib.cz/~kerslage/
Vicki Reeves
2004-03-31 19:55:03 UTC
Post by Milan Keršláger
Pasi Pirhonen (the author) moved to Tao Linux because nobody at beau.org
cared about his work.
Post by Milan Keršláger
And yes - this is wery sad that the effort like this has been trown
away by people at beau.org. It's useless and disillusion.
Milan, I am not speaking for John nor for the Library. For myself, as a
user of this list, I'm wondering this...
since you are obviously so very unhappy with everything about this
project, why is it that you continue to spend so much time on it?
This is me:
Vicki Reeves ***@beau.org http://www.beau.org/~vickir

This is where I work:
Beauregard Parish Library http://www.beau.org
205 South Washington Ave, DeRidder, LA 70634 (337)463-6217 x19
The Library does not necessarily agree with everything I write :-D

Geek code 3.1:GIT d? s-:++ a? C++ L++$ W++ w-- Y+ b+ G e r+++

William Hooper
2004-03-31 19:55:14 UTC
Post by Milan Keršláger
And yes - this is wery sad that the effort like this has been trown
away by people at beau.org. It's useless and disillusion.
From your comments I believe you miss what Whitebox was created for...
"White Box Linux's initial creation has been sponsored by the Beauregard
Parish Public Library in DeRidder, LA USA out of self interest. We have
several servers and over fifty workstations running Red Hat Linux and were
left high and dry by their recent shift in business plan. Our choices were
a difficult migration to another distribution or paying RedHat an annual
fee greater than the amortized value of our hardware. So we chose a third
path, made possible by the power of Open Source.... White Box Linux."

I'm doubting Beauregard has any x86_64, ia64, or s390 machines so of
course they don't care. If I were Beauregard I'd reconsider the decision
to give this work away because it just seems to attract people complaining
that you aren't giving them this or that, too. Duplicating work from
another project for hardware they don't own doesn't make much sense.
William Hooper
Ewan Mac Mahon
2004-04-01 18:31:49 UTC
Post by William Hooper
Post by Milan Keršláger
And yes - this is wery sad that the effort like this has been trown
away by people at beau.org. It's useless and disillusion.
From your comments I believe you miss what Whitebox was created for...
"White Box Linux's initial creation has been sponsored by the Beauregard
Parish Public Library in DeRidder, LA USA out of self interest. We have
several servers and over fifty workstations running Red Hat Linux and were
left high and dry by their recent shift in business plan. Our choices were
a difficult migration to another distribution or paying RedHat an annual
fee greater than the amortized value of our hardware. So we chose a third
path, made possible by the power of Open Source.... White Box Linux."
That's a very selective quote; carry on to the next few paragraphs on the
same page and you'll find this:

"What can you do to help? .... I only speak English and only have access
to ia32 hardware. So help with getting the other languages re-translated
and porting to AMD64/Itanic are welcome."

Only it's not is they? That text on the _front page_ of Whiteboxlinux.org
is what made people think that their help would be welcome, and that 64
bit ports were wanted. It's hardly surprising that people got pissed off
when help that had been asked for was ignored or thrown back in ther face.
Post by William Hooper
I'm doubting Beauregard has any x86_64, ia64, or s390 machines so of course
they don't care.
They don't - yet. I can't find the quote right now but I do seem to
remember John saying that he was thinking about having some AMD64s in the
future. Besides which, the bit above that I've quoted from the web page
shows that there is (or was) interest in things that the library doesn't
actually need for itself.

Milan Keršláger
2004-04-05 13:41:29 UTC
Post by Ewan Mac Mahon
That's a very selective quote; carry on to the next few paragraphs on the
"What can you do to help? .... I only speak English and only have access
to ia32 hardware. So help with getting the other languages re-translated
and porting to AMD64/Itanic are welcome."
Only it's not is they? That text on the _front page_ of Whiteboxlinux.org
is what made people think that their help would be welcome, and that 64
bit ports were wanted. It's hardly surprising that people got pissed off
when help that had been asked for was ignored or thrown back in ther face.
Pasi Pirhoned already made a job and offer it to here to anybody same
way as I (with no accept from Morris).
Post by Ewan Mac Mahon
Post by William Hooper
I'm doubting Beauregard has any x86_64, ia64, or s390 machines so of course
they don't care.
They don't - yet. I can't find the quote right now but I do seem to
remember John saying that he was thinking about having some AMD64s in the
future. Besides which, the bit above that I've quoted from the web page
shows that there is (or was) interest in things that the library doesn't
actually need for itself.
You are complaining on the wrong place. I newer wrote that WBEL is bad.
Everytime I wrote what is not good and why.

I see no reason to bless Morris in my every mail. He did good job but
then he stopped even promised more and asked others for help. Even there
was a help from others he refused to accept it. This is at least a
"little bit" wrong and this is what you don't want to accept.

I said nothing about "Moris is *****", but only "this is not good".

You don't want to accept it like very different things.
Milan Kerslager
E-mail: ***@pslib.cz
WWW: http://www.pslib.cz/~kerslage/
Pasi Pirhonen
2004-04-01 01:37:10 UTC
Post by Milan Keršláger
Pasi Pirhonen (the author) moved to Tao Linux because nobody at beau.org
cared about his work. He made IA64 port too (and s390 too), see the
It's a bit harash to express it as 'nobody cared', but it sums it up
clearly. Meaning that i have nothing against people at beau.org, but
the problem seem to be that i don't work there.

Things went as it went and the reality is that the work is done 'under
Tao Linux flag now'.

I am not trying to get 'free advertizing space' while i do still
ocassionally write to whitebox lists. I am trying to keep scores right.
Post by Milan Keršláger
Because of binary compatibility I suggest to use Tao with final
One correction 'the upcoming ia64 release'. I've been lazy with it :)
Pasi Pirhonen - ***@iki.fi - http://iki.fi/upi/
Paul Iadonisi
2004-04-01 02:02:26 UTC
On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 14:32, Milan Ker¹láger wrote:

Post by Milan Keršláger
Pasi Pirhonen (the author) moved to Tao Linux because nobody at beau.org
cared about his work.
Post by Milan Keršláger
And yes - this is wery sad that the effort like this has been trown
away by people at beau.org. It's useless and disillusion.
I have to wonder, do you remain subscribed to lists of any other
projects that you become unhappy with and feel are useless? Please do
the rest of the members of this list a favor and either stop your
constant criticism (of your last approximately five posts, at least four
had some kind of jab in them) or unsubscribe from the list and be done
with it.
Really, now, it's getting old. Go help Tao Linux or CentOS or cAos if
that floats your boat and feel free to criticism WBEL if that's
considered on topic conversation there. But if you're going to help
people on this list with the relatively few questions that there have
been, then out of common courtesy, cut the crap.
Sheesh, I know your supposed to develop a thick skin to participate in
any international collaborative development on the 'net, but I don't
think I can say I have ever seen anyone get so bent out of shape about
things not going his way to the point of criticizing the group he is
supposedly a part of with nearly every post.
I speak for myself, but I'm sure there are many others on this who
don't welcome this behavior. Shape up or ship out.
-Paul Iadonisi
Senior System Administrator
Red Hat Certified Engineer / Local Linux Lobbyist
Ever see a penguin fly? -- Try Linux.
GPL all the way: Sell services, don't lease secrets
Milan Keršláger
2004-04-01 10:10:28 UTC
Post by Paul Iadonisi
Post by Milan Keršláger
Pasi Pirhonen (the author) moved to Tao Linux because nobody at beau.org
cared about his work.
Post by Milan Keršláger
And yes - this is wery sad that the effort like this has been trown
away by people at beau.org. It's useless and disillusion.
I have to wonder, do you remain subscribed to lists of any other
projects that you become unhappy with and feel are useless? Please do
the rest of the members of this list a favor and either stop your
constant criticism (of your last approximately five posts, at least four
had some kind of jab in them) or unsubscribe from the list and be done
with it.
Look - Morris and others from beau.org was talking about ports to other
architectures and there was some promises. Nothing was fullfit and I see
no reason why do not aswer this way to anybody who asks. The worst of
this is that there was a lot of work that was thrown away without a
Post by Paul Iadonisi
Really, now, it's getting old. Go help Tao Linux or CentOS or cAos if
that floats your boat and feel free to criticism WBEL if that's
considered on topic conversation there. But if you're going to help
people on this list with the relatively few questions that there have
been, then out of common courtesy, cut the crap.
I have updates everytime compiled before Morris because I need them. I
have public repository and anybody is able to use this if want to.

I have updates for Pasi's RC1 for AMD64 (x86_64) too and anybody is able
to use them because the people at beau.org has AMD64 RC1 on their site
*without* any updates. They grabs the ISOs from URL I post before (ie
from the server under my supervison).

If you don't want to to see that there is still effort from me, please
put my email at your blacklist or ask Morris to delete RC1 from WBEL
site and clearly write at homepage what I have to repeatedly answer

When there will be no reason to ask I will have no reason to answer.
There is no reason to hide that AMD64 and other ports are now at Tao
site and WBEL has none and do nothing about to have it (at this time).
Post by Paul Iadonisi
Sheesh, I know your supposed to develop a thick skin to participate in
any international collaborative development on the 'net, but I don't
think I can say I have ever seen anyone get so bent out of shape about
things not going his way to the point of criticizing the group he is
supposedly a part of with nearly every post.
I speak for myself, but I'm sure there are many others on this who
don't welcome this behavior. Shape up or ship out.
At first think about yourself and about what you are doing here.

Tell me at least one point where I lied.
Milan Kerslager
E-mail: ***@pslib.cz
WWW: http://www.pslib.cz/~kerslage/
Johnny Hughes
2004-04-01 10:38:50 UTC
On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 04:10, Milan Keršláger wrote:

People have been trying to tell you something about your posts ... and
give you advise. You could just say that Tao Linux has an active S390
and X86_64 build, and that it is being actively maintained.

Most people have been nicely telling you to not be so mean and nasty
with your posts, but either you don't understand, or you don't care.

If I were John Morris, your e-mail address would not be able to post to
this list.

Post by Milan Keršláger
Tell me at least one point where I lied.
Your not a liar ... you're an asshole.

Hope that helps you understand what people are trying to say.

-Johnny Hughes
Milan Keršláger
2004-04-01 16:06:25 UTC
Post by Vicki Reeves
People have been trying to tell you something about your posts ... and
give you advise. You could just say that Tao Linux has an active S390
and X86_64 build, and that it is being actively maintained.
Most people have been nicely telling you to not be so mean and nasty
with your posts, but either you don't understand, or you don't care.
If I were John Morris, your e-mail address would not be able to post to
this list.
Post by Milan Keršláger
Tell me at least one point where I lied.
Your not a liar ... you're an asshole.
Hope people underestand who are you.
Post by Vicki Reeves
Hope that helps you understand what people are trying to say.
-Johnny Hughes
Milan Kerslager
E-mail: ***@pslib.cz
WWW: http://www.pslib.cz/~kerslage/
Paul Iadonisi
2004-04-01 16:28:22 UTC
On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 11:06, Milan Ker¹láger wrote:

Post by Milan Keršláger
Post by Johnny Hughes
Your not a liar ... you're an asshole.
Hope people underestand who are you.
Oh, we do, Milan. Trust me, we do.
-Paul Iadonisi
Senior System Administrator
Red Hat Certified Engineer / Local Linux Lobbyist
Ever see a penguin fly? -- Try Linux.
GPL all the way: Sell services, don't lease secrets
Paul Iadonisi
2004-04-01 16:30:27 UTC
On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 11:06, Milan Ker¹láger wrote:

Post by Milan Keršláger
Post by Johnny Hughes
Your not a liar ... you're an asshole.
Hope people underestand who are you.
Hint: something along the lines of 'respect'.
-Paul Iadonisi
Senior System Administrator
Red Hat Certified Engineer / Local Linux Lobbyist
Ever see a penguin fly? -- Try Linux.
GPL all the way: Sell services, don't lease secrets
Milan Keršláger
2004-04-01 16:57:39 UTC
Post by Paul Iadonisi
Post by Milan Keršláger
Post by Johnny Hughes
Your not a liar ... you're an asshole.
Hope people underestand who are you.
Hint: something along the lines of 'respect'.
The respect shuld be on both sides. There is no word about what RC1 for
AMD64 and IA64 is at Whitebox site. There is no word about the author
(Pasi Pirhonen). And Pasi waited about two months to see his hard work
at Whitebox site (even there was some messages about this in the list).
Maybe this is correct that they downloaded ISOs this way but I don't
think so.

I see no reason why not to tell that it is useless to use RC1 from
Whitebox site and I see no reason why not to tell that I have current
updates in my repository for AMD and that Whitebox site has none.

If you dislike this (and the sentence with suggestion to use Tao),
please blacklist me.

The WhiteBox is not the best same way like Tao, like RHEL and like
anything else (this is the reason we have multiple distributions). I use
Whitebox because I don't want to migrate to another-same distribution
only because I'm not satisfied with this or this. Instead of this I'm
trying to support YOU and write exactly what I see.

Maybe I'm wrong and you hate anybody who is able to write about what you
don't want to hear.

If you dislike the words 'nobody cares about AMD nad IA64 ports at
beau.org', I don't underestand why because this is the current

Anyway - this debate is totally off-topic and has nothing to do with
technical problems so I would be glad to close this thread as you have
nothing to tell except "I hate you because you told that noboby cares
about XY'.
Milan Kerslager
E-mail: ***@pslib.cz
WWW: http://www.pslib.cz/~kerslage/
Johnny Hughes
2004-04-01 23:34:33 UTC
Post by Milan Keršláger
The respect shuld be on both sides. There is no word about what RC1 for
AMD64 and IA64 is at Whitebox site. There is no word about the author
(Pasi Pirhonen). And Pasi waited about two months to see his hard work
at Whitebox site (even there was some messages about this in the list).
Maybe this is correct that they downloaded ISOs this way but I don't
think so.
I see no reason why not to tell that it is useless to use RC1 from
Whitebox site and I see no reason why not to tell that I have current
updates in my repository for AMD and that Whitebox site has none.
There is absolutely no problem in saying that the person who was doing
Whitebox X64_86 RC1 has moved to the Tao Linux project. In fact, that
is good information for someone who wants to run a RHEL rebuild on an
X86_64 or S390 machine. I've got no problem with your saying it. In
fact, I was going to say it myself.
Post by Milan Keršláger
If you dislike this (and the sentence with suggestion to use Tao),
please blacklist me.
The WhiteBox is not the best same way like Tao, like RHEL and like
anything else (this is the reason we have multiple distributions). I use
Whitebox because I don't want to migrate to another-same distribution
only because I'm not satisfied with this or this. Instead of this I'm
trying to support YOU and write exactly what I see.
Maybe I'm wrong and you hate anybody who is able to write about what you
don't want to hear.
If you dislike the words 'nobody cares about AMD nad IA64 ports at
beau.org', I don't underestand why because this is the current
The problem is, everytime you have anything to say about John Morris, it
is negative. That is my problem with what you said.

John is providing Whitebox as is ... if you like it, use it. If you
don't, use Tao or Centos 3.1. In fact, Centos 3.1 and Tao both have
more community involvement (especially Centos). That is exactly what
you want ... I think CentOS-3.1 is a much better fit for what you expect
for a Distro...I recommend you use it.
Post by Milan Keršláger
Anyway - this debate is totally off-topic and has nothing to do with
technical problems so I would be glad to close this thread as you have
nothing to tell except "I hate you because you told that noboby cares
about XY'.
I don't hate you (or anyone else), I just wish I didn't have to read
agian and agian that you can build updates faster than Morris ... that
Morris doesn't care about anyone but himself ... that Morris doesn't
trust anyone ... etc., etc.

Some of your input is very helpful, you are very knowledgable. I just
wish that you wouldn't attack John at every opportunity
Johnny Hughes
2004-04-01 23:34:42 UTC
Post by Milan Keršláger
The respect shuld be on both sides. There is no word about what RC1 for
AMD64 and IA64 is at Whitebox site. There is no word about the author
(Pasi Pirhonen). And Pasi waited about two months to see his hard work
at Whitebox site (even there was some messages about this in the list).
Maybe this is correct that they downloaded ISOs this way but I don't
think so.
I see no reason why not to tell that it is useless to use RC1 from
Whitebox site and I see no reason why not to tell that I have current
updates in my repository for AMD and that Whitebox site has none.
There is absolutely no problem in saying that the person who was doing
Whitebox X64_86 RC1 has moved to the Tao Linux project. In fact, that
is good information for someone who wants to run a RHEL rebuild on an
X86_64 or S390 machine. I've got no problem with your saying it. In
fact, I was going to say it myself.
Post by Milan Keršláger
If you dislike this (and the sentence with suggestion to use Tao),
please blacklist me.
The WhiteBox is not the best same way like Tao, like RHEL and like
anything else (this is the reason we have multiple distributions). I use
Whitebox because I don't want to migrate to another-same distribution
only because I'm not satisfied with this or this. Instead of this I'm
trying to support YOU and write exactly what I see.
Maybe I'm wrong and you hate anybody who is able to write about what you
don't want to hear.
If you dislike the words 'nobody cares about AMD nad IA64 ports at
beau.org', I don't underestand why because this is the current
The problem is, everytime you have anything to say about John Morris, it
is negative. That is my problem with what you said.

John is providing Whitebox as is ... if you like it, use it. If you
don't, use Tao or Centos 3.1. In fact, Centos 3.1 and Tao both have
more community involvement (especially Centos). That is exactly what
you want ... I think CentOS-3.1 is a much better fit for what you expect
for a Distro...I recommend you use it.
Post by Milan Keršláger
Anyway - this debate is totally off-topic and has nothing to do with
technical problems so I would be glad to close this thread as you have
nothing to tell except "I hate you because you told that noboby cares
about XY'.
I don't hate you (or anyone else), I just wish I didn't have to read
agian and agian that you can build updates faster than Morris ... that
Morris doesn't care about anyone but himself ... that Morris doesn't
trust anyone ... etc., etc.

Some of your input is very helpful, you are very knowledgable. I just
wish that you wouldn't attack John at every opportunity