Roger Peña Escobio
2004-04-01 18:54:07 UTC
we are using WB since 2/3 month ago and we are still having a problem with apache.
we are using this box only for a webmail, Horde/IMP, and when the imap server go down
the apache server reach the maximun client number and never come back from that state,
even if the imap server start to respond to requests again.
so, does any body of you had a situation where the apache server reach this maximun
clients number and come back to live after somewhile ?
i'm wondering if this is a WB bug or it doesn't.
PD: sory about my bad english
Nodo central de la red Infomed (
Usuario linux: 97152 (
Miembro del grupo de coordinacion de LinuxCuba (
Este mensaje fue enviado usando el servicio de correo en web de Infomed
we are using WB since 2/3 month ago and we are still having a problem with apache.
we are using this box only for a webmail, Horde/IMP, and when the imap server go down
the apache server reach the maximun client number and never come back from that state,
even if the imap server start to respond to requests again.
so, does any body of you had a situation where the apache server reach this maximun
clients number and come back to live after somewhile ?
i'm wondering if this is a WB bug or it doesn't.
PD: sory about my bad english
Nodo central de la red Infomed (
Usuario linux: 97152 (
Miembro del grupo de coordinacion de LinuxCuba (
Este mensaje fue enviado usando el servicio de correo en web de Infomed