[WBEL-devel] problem with apache server in WhiteBox
Roger Peña Escobio
2004-04-01 18:54:07 UTC

we are using WB since 2/3 month ago and we are still having a problem with apache.
we are using this box only for a webmail, Horde/IMP, and when the imap server go down
the apache server reach the maximun client number and never come back from that state,
even if the imap server start to respond to requests again.
so, does any body of you had a situation where the apache server reach this maximun
clients number and come back to live after somewhile ?

i'm wondering if this is a WB bug or it doesn't.

PD: sory about my bad english

Nodo central de la red Infomed (http://www.sld.cu)
Usuario linux: 97152 (http://counter.li.org)
Miembro del grupo de coordinacion de LinuxCuba (http://www.linux.cu)

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Casper Pedersen
2004-04-01 19:53:06 UTC
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You do not mention which version of Horde you're running, also how many
users do you have on the system.

There are (have been) some issues with PHP and Apache2, I do not know if
this could be the reason for the problem you're seeing.

But first beef up the maxclients statement in httpd.conf to allow more
concurrent connections to apache - which might solve the issue.=20

As Apache is compiles with the prefork module you will have to modify it
<IfModule prefork.c>
StartServers 8
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 20
MaxClients 150 -> to something reasonable
MaxRequestsPerChild 1000

Also it could be a problem in Horde.....

we are using WB since 2/3 month ago and we are still having a problem wit=
h apache.=20
we are using this box only for a webmail, Horde/IMP, and when the imap se=
rver go down=20
the apache server reach the maximun client number and never come back fro=
m that state,=20
even if the imap server start to respond to requests again.=20
so, does any body of you had a situation where the apache server reach th=
is maximun=20
clients number and come back to live after somewhile ?=20
i'm wondering if this is a WB bug or it doesn't.=20
PD: sory about my bad english=20
Nodo central de la red Infomed (http://www.sld.cu)=20
Usuario linux: 97152 (http://counter.li.org)=20
Miembro del grupo de coordinacion de LinuxCuba (http://www.linux.cu)=20
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Roger Peña Escobio
2004-04-01 20:15:14 UTC
Post by Casper Pedersen
You do not mention which version of Horde you're running, also how many
users do you have on the system.
There are (have been) some issues with PHP and Apache2, I do not know if
this could be the reason for the problem you're seeing.
maybe is that combination

but, let me try to explain the problem step by step:

1- the system runing great, serving pages to our users, and allowing to send more than
6000 mail per day

2- our imap server make a kernel panic, or what ever reason to going down,

3- the apache+php+IMP are unavalaible to contact the imap server

4- the apache server complain about "server reached MaxClients setting,...."

5- the imap server come to live after a restart or a reboot

6- the apache+php+IMP combination didn't recover from step 4, we have to make a apache
restart in order to get it back

so, incresing the MaxClients number will not do anything usefull here :-(

is this a apache bug, a php bug or an Horde/IMP bug

i dint have this problem with an up2date rh-7.2, with the same Horde/IMP version than
i'm using now (i just copy a Horde tree from the rh-7.2 to the new WB server)
ok, sometimes i reach the limits with rh-7.2 but apache recover by it seft

so, i'm tented to think that it is a apache+php problem, what do you think?

does any body have a similar problem with WB ?

Nodo central de la red Infomed (http://www.sld.cu)
Usuario linux: 97152 (http://counter.li.org)
Miembro del grupo de coordinacion de LinuxCuba (http://www.linux.cu)

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