[WBEL-devel] Re: How to rebuild
Joshua Weage
2004-08-14 21:18:18 UTC
I just rebuilt respin1 to fix the kickstart problem with e1000
interfaces. You don't need to "rebuild" comps.xml. If you want to add
packages, or change what packages are installed with a "Server" or
"Workstation" install, you can customize the comps.xml file.

For rpmdb-whitebox, there is a .src.rpm in the SRPMS directory.
Install this, then just build the spec file in /usr/src/redhat/SPEC,
after modifying the spec file to point to your new distribution tree.

See this page for more details about the rpmdb rebuild:


I had to build the rpmdb rpm twice. After building it once, copy the
resulting rpm into your RedHat/RPMS directory, then build it again and
overwrite the first rpm with the second.

Message: 1
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 15:57:31 -0300 (GMT+3)
Subject: [WBEL-devel] Questions 2
Follow all of the steps but don't understand some things.
How I do the rebuild of the comps.xml and of the rpmdb?

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Paulo Matos
2004-08-24 19:11:49 UTC
Hi folks!

There is a problem with the file:


at the bottom there are two incorrect definitions:

APR_INCLUDEDIR = /home/buildsys/rpmbuild/BUILD/httpd-2.0.46/prefork/srclib/apr/include /home/buildsys/rpmbuild/BUILD/httpd-2.0.46/srclib/apr/include
APU_INCLUDEDIR = /home/buildsys/rpmbuild/BUILD/httpd-2.0.46/prefork/srclib/apr-util/include /home/buildsys/rpmbuild/BUILD/httpd-2.0.46/srclib/apr-util/include

where it should be:

APR_INCLUDEDIR = /usr/include/httpd
APU_INCLUDEDIR = /usr/include/httpd

Note that, this causes more problem because the variables have multiple
values separeted by a space. Causes gcc to be invoked as:

gcc ... -I /one/dir /other/dir

breaking compilation.

This is also described at:


Is this WB or RH error? Please confirm this..

Paulo Matos
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|Sys & Net Admin | Serviço de Informática |
|Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia | Tel: +351-21-2948596 |
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William Hooper
2004-08-24 20:42:36 UTC
Post by Paulo Matos
Hi folks!
Post by Paulo Matos
APR_INCLUDEDIR = /usr/include/httpd
APU_INCLUDEDIR = /usr/include/httpd
Post by Paulo Matos
Is this WB or RH error? Please confirm this..
It's a WB issue. Just don't ask me where :-)

[***@token build]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 3 (Taroon Update 2)
[***@token build]$ rpm -q httpd-devel
[***@token build]$ tail -4 /usr/lib/httpd/build/config_vars.mk
APR_BINDIR = /usr/bin
APR_INCLUDEDIR = /usr/include/httpd
APU_BINDIR = /usr/bin
APU_INCLUDEDIR = /usr/include/httpd
William Hooper
John Morris
2004-08-24 23:07:56 UTC
Post by Paulo Matos
Is this WB or RH error? Please confirm this..
Is this problem actually happening with 2.0.46-32.ent.3.WB1? Bugzilla is
showing that one was closed out in March with "ERRATA" which means it
should have been fixed for several versions now.
John M. http://www.beau.org/~jmorris This post is 100% M$ Free!
Geekcode 3.1:GCS C+++ UL++++$ P++ L+++ W++ w--- Y++ b++ 5+++ R tv- e* r
John Morris
2004-08-25 01:13:40 UTC
Post by John Morris
Post by Paulo Matos
Is this WB or RH error? Please confirm this..
Is this problem actually happening with 2.0.46-32.ent.3.WB1? Bugzilla is
showing that one was closed out in March with "ERRATA" which means it
should have been fixed for several versions now.
Ok, replying to myself. Installed httpd-devel and confirmed the problem.
Something caused the WB patch to misapply as well, so now it is a
non-cosmetic bug as well so lemme push it up to right behind getting the
latest qt pushed out and see if fixing the wb patch also fixes this.
John M. http://www.beau.org/~jmorris This post is 100% M$ Free!
Geekcode 3.1:GCS C+++ UL++++$ P++ L+++ W++ w--- Y++ b++ 5+++ R tv- e* r
Pasi Pirhonen
2004-08-25 15:31:37 UTC
Post by John Morris
Post by John Morris
Post by Paulo Matos
Is this WB or RH error? Please confirm this..
Is this problem actually happening with 2.0.46-32.ent.3.WB1? Bugzilla is
showing that one was closed out in March with "ERRATA" which means it
should have been fixed for several versions now.
Ok, replying to myself. Installed httpd-devel and confirmed the problem.
Something caused the WB patch to misapply as well, so now it is a
non-cosmetic bug as well so lemme push it up to right behind getting the
latest qt pushed out and see if fixing the wb patch also fixes this.
I'm sure you've spotted the problem already, but if not, it's somewhere
like 400+ on the .spec

-e "s|/usr/src/.*/srclib/apr.*/include|/usr/include/httpd|" \

which blindly assumes %_builddir being under /usr/src .....

We, Tao Linux, hit the very same problem i see.
Pasi Pirhonen - ***@iki.fi - http://iki.fi/upi/