[WBEL-devel] Anaconda Installer with Vietnamese
Nguyen Huu Vinh
2004-04-07 18:43:55 UTC
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Hi all,
I have successfull rebuild RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0.I used WhiteBox Linux as build host.I know Anaconda installer has supported many language but not supported Vietnamese.I want Anaconda support Vietnamese.How I do it?How I have to add Unicode Vietnamese font (ex: Verdana, arial)?Please help me.Thanks

Nguyen Huu Vinh

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<DIV>Hi all,</DIV>
<DIV>I have successfull rebuild RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0.I used WhiteBox Linux as build host.I&nbsp;know&nbsp;Anaconda installer has supported many language but&nbsp;not supported Vietnamese.I want&nbsp;Anaconda support Vietnamese.How I do it?How I have to add Unicode Vietnamese font (ex: Verdana, arial)?Please help me.Thanks</DIV>
<DIV>Nguyen Huu Vinh</DIV><p><hr size=1><font face=arial size=-1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
<a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=23609/*http://promotions.yahoo.com/design_giveaway/static/index2.html">Yahoo! Small Business $15K Web Design Giveaway</a> - Enter today
William Hooper
2004-04-07 19:00:29 UTC
Post by Nguyen Huu Vinh
Hi all,
I have successfull rebuild RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0.I used WhiteBox
Linux as build host.I know Anaconda installer has supported many language
but not supported Vietnamese.I want Anaconda support Vietnamese.How I do
it?How I have to add Unicode Vietnamese font (ex: Verdana, arial)?Please
help me.Thanks
Are you saying the upstream (RHEL) doesn't support Vietnamese, or that
your rebuild doesn't?
William Hooper
William Hooper
2004-04-08 12:49:43 UTC
Please send replies to the list.
Hi William,
Yes.The anaconda installer does not support Vietnamese language.Can you
help me?I'm Vietnamese.
Nguyen Huu Vinh
In that case it is an upstream (Red Hat) issue, so they are who you want
to contact about helping with it. I'm not sure if the Anaconda-devel list
is approprate or not:


The Fedora Translation list also has a recent thread on the subject:
William Hooper